Basically, Fucked-Off . UpTheArsenal: January 2005

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Climate change 'disaster by 2026' - BBC

Bombthis , motherfucker! Here's the deal: This is a country of global warming deniers.

In 2026, I am going to be alive still and I won't even be my faher's age. My nephew and niece will be my age then. I always thought people don't care about the effects of global warming because, who the fuck cares: It's your grandchildren or their children that have to live with - or die - the consequences. It was way too fucking remote, you don't know these people, what the fuck: live it up! It turns out, boys and girls, you can all start mass-murdering your stupid parents because they have FUCKED you, big time. You can start with the political leaders, the global-warming-denier ones.

How is the US, under this Administration, going to tackle the problem, if they can't conceive it exists?

Monday, January 24, 2005

Church Choir for SuperBowl Half-time, then?

Another flash-moment. When people pine for "moral values," is it "speak" for cultural bigotry? I mean, gays are clearly a target; is this a broader rejection of multicultural "values" and cultural tolerance as we know it though? Is this a call for a time when people of color, minorities knew their place and didn't have their values mainstreamed? Does moral values mean, no more hip-hop? Does it mean, no more salsa and belly dancing?

CBS better have church-choir lined-up at this year's SuperBowl Half-Time. And no, NOT a gospel choir; those niggas can get pretty raucous, making ungodly pelvic movements in prayer.

Useless News: Heinz-Kruger Hitch; who the fuck is Kruger?

I have no idea who Diane Kruger is, never seen Troy (the movie) don't intend to, but apparently she's shagging Chris Heinz ( = hottish, in a wimpish-pretty sort of way). His older brother, Andre Heinz is devilishly hotter; although I have ungrounded suspicion that he is gay, or at least pondering the matter. If you saw his body language during the election photo-ops and campaign stops, you'd wonder too. He, almost always, looked like a man who was concealing something: timorousness and incompetence, the agony of closeted gaydom, who knows? He looked like he was on a tormenting, self-administered leash. Perhaps, he just knew there was a fat chance Kerry'd wing it, but didn't have the heart (aka cojones) to tell Kerry, or leave the ticket. Either way, there was something mildly odd about his manner. Nonetheless, very, very sexacious man: nice bod, and touche not bad, either. Now, I wouldn't mind hearing the juicy about who he (Andre) is dating; that could even be useful.

Doublespeak: Re-organizing the Millitary

I just had a light-bulb moment: when GWB has said Rummy is staying to continue mordernizing/reforming/re-organizing the military - that's just more speak, ain' it? If you read Seymour Hersh, then you get the lucid and offensive picture of what modern/reformed, or whatever means: covert operations of the see-no-evil, hear-no-evil accountability; no congressional oversight; an emasculated CIA (which is inconveniently hamstrung by this thing called, the Law); and, ironicaly including state-sponsored terror (insurgents and terrorists recruited by GWB & Co.). Perhaps, not that ironic, afterall.

These, boys and girls, are the values you voted for. Congratufuckinlations.

Sen. Boxer has kept her gloves off

We revisit the Fuckees with Cojones Society," James Wolcott , whom we like, still has the stomach for cable news, wrote the following:

Why is Barbara Boxer out there all alone asking the tough questions about Condi Rice's snail trail of deceit and fearmongering? She has the audacity to act as if the Senate actually has some traditional advise-and-consent role to play and for her pains is caricatured as a shrieking harridan on Saturday Night Live and a witch on talk radio. Boxer was terrific today on CNN, refusing to back down and reiterating her questions and objections regarding Rice with emphatic clarity while Sen Lugar mumble-mumbled some pathetic excuse-making about how Rice didn't deliberately mislead the country re Iraq's WMDs, she just did the best she could under the circumstances. Look, Biden and the rest of you Democratic punk-asses--get behind Boxer or get lost. She shouldn't be up there on the parapet alone, not with this wrecking crew trying to gear us up for war on Iran.

Recall here, she was on fire during Dr. Condi Tsunami=Wonderful-Opportunity Rice's confirmation testimony, the other day. I am delighted to hear the gloves are still off. She is still kicking arse. A priceless member of the Fuckees with Cojones Society. She is the only regular member. Though, Kerry might shock me again.

Wolcott refers to a user-friendlier read about the Seymour Hersh piece, I referred to earlier. Question: Why does Gary Sick (Collumbia Uni. specialist -mentioned in article) think the Iran strategy is just an intimidation tactic? He is rightly skeptical elsewhere, but didn't we think GWB & Co were intimidating Sod-him Hussein? We did, and we thought it bloody cunning too, didn't we?

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Elections, Bumper Stickers, Operation "PeopleX Freedom," and Prince Harry

I have just read the Seymour Hersh piece .
It's tempting to just say, of course.

This is the gist of it all:

George W. Bush’s re-election was not his only victory last fall. The President and his national-security advisers have consolidated control over the military and intelligence communities’ strategic analyses and covert operations to a degree unmatched since the rise of the post-Second World War national-security state. Bush has an aggressive and ambitious agenda for using that control—against the mullahs in Iran and against targets in the ongoing war on terrorism—during his second term. The C.I.A. will continue to be downgraded, and the agency will increasingly serve, as one government consultant with close ties to the Pentagon put it, as “facilitators” of policy emanating from President Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney. This process is well under way.

Despite the deteriorating security situation in Iraq, the Bush Administration has not reconsidered its basic long-range policy goal in the Middle East: the establishment of democracy throughout the region. Bush’s re-election is regarded within the Administration as evidence of America’s support for his decision to go to war.
That notion of that last sentence has been bothering me since the run-up to the elections. I'll first say, what the fuck were Bush voters hoping for? Rebuilding the UN?

I had been saying for some time to anybody who supported Bush that they were missing a huge point by seeking to return him to office. Iraq has been GWB's signature move; it's essentially the only thing he has done, except for the massive tax cuts. Afghanistan doesn't count, any presiding CiC would have done the same thing, even Clinton: somebody had to pay, they paid. Amen.

When the Kerry-Edwards ticket were piss-willing around the Iraq issue, especially that Wednesday, the Zell from Hell Wednesday, I listened to the Kerry-Edwards "kids" pitching "the issues" the ticket thought were important, I realized they too were missing the point. I kept wanting to say, why the hell aren't you attacking this fucker (Bush). Why the piss-willy stuff? Student loans/grants, whatever, I could care less right now. This guy lied to go to war. And continues to lie.

They should have been singing one song and one song alone: Vote GWB out, because he deceived his people, both congressional houses, and allies to take the country to war. There is not one decision that is more important than sending the country to war; in fact all of the decisions he will ever have to take, together, will never be as important. And yet, GWB lied systematically in order to send his country to war. Forget the bullshit about, Iraq was the right decision, but badly executed. This is why Democrats lost both integrity and the election: they did not have the cojones to say, kak, Iraq was wrong: this is not the country we want to be. But Kerry and crew were saying, at least publically, going to Iraq was okay, the world is better off without Saddam yadi yadi yada, but the post war was badly planned, ill-managed.... In other words, Bush & Co are fighting the right war, but fighting it badly. Wrong. Kerry is still calling for Bush to fire Rumsfeld, in that same spirit. Pointless.

I hope they didn't really believe the war was right. They couldn't have, surely. Iraq was spontaneously combusting, the Kerry-Edwards Ticket didn't see it necessary to have to pour salt on the wound of it. Wrong. The entire election was about Iraq war, the rightness or wrongness of that war, and that alone. Yet, you would have never have known this that Wednesday, or indeed most times during the election campaign, (even on the Bush side). When one student, asked the Kerry-Edwards "kids"

"you have said a lot of things here this afternoon, what is the one thing you want me to take away from this, just ONE THING?"

Classic college student question: break it down, motherfucker! a.k.a "do I have to know all of this?" Kate Edwards took it, and said something about there being so many issues (again, was she not listening)... Andre Heinz, chimed in and started to enumerate them (the many issues, or at least some of them). I got up and left, I couldn't take it anymore. Considering, I think Andre Heinz is very very hot, this was no mean feat. The incompetence was insulting. This was after the blonde Kerry daughter failed to address the flip-flop charge. Urrghhhh.

Obviously, Answer: Vote for Kerry:
He would never lie to go to war. He might lie about botox though.

When GWB and Friends won, leftist pundits even started to suggest that perhaps, it's not such a bad thing, because GWB is being forced "to clean up his own mess." There were voters who were saying that's why they voted for GWB. And my favourite, you don't change presidents during wartime. All this was foreign to me, but what the fuck do I know about wartime presidents and American voters? The only thing I knew was, if you vote for him you send him the message that you support what he has done:= Iraq +Tax Cuts. I mean, he has raped the environment too, but he doesn't see that as something he has done. Iraq and Tax cuts are the mission and pride of this administration. So when GWB & Friends speak of a mandate, support for their Iraqi war and their belligerent worldview, they are being furbi, but they are essentially correct. The wrong, are the people who returned him to office, which is why calling on Bush to fire Rumsfeld for incompetence is pointless.

I still have my John Kerry for President sticker on my car, a lot of people in my neighbourhood do. I am not sure why everyone else keeps theirs. It could be laziness. But I have thought about removing mine, and decided not to. I have been expecting GWB and Friends to fuck up, and the sticker is my way of continuously expressing that I don't support this fucker of yours. And, Seymour Hersch's piece suggests that another successful catastrophe is well on the way, sooner rather than later. And I believe him, it's so George Bush to think, I want his legacy to be, I defeated terrorism, meaning he bombed it to smithereens. I won't go into the history lessons, there's no need.

The question, I ask myself now is, okay fantastic, let's assume he goes and bombs someone else, Iran ("Target Iran" - as CNN will brand it, before they are scolded into calling it "Operation Iranian Freedom"). Iran better be preparing for that reality now. What then? What is going to stop this happening to yet another PeopleX? The Iraqi war, has been mostly a spectator sports, except to the Iraqis of course. No one else has been really affected by this materially. What is materially going to happen to anyone, other than the Iranians, to stop this? I mean, there's been more hoopla about Prince Harry being chronically stupid playing evil dressup, than about the actions of real-life evildoers currently doing evil with impunity (aka GWB & Friends). In a country where Janet Jackson's titis inspire more outrage than the commisioned killing or 100Ks of civillians, if Iran is next, the people will not stop these evildoers; the media - well the media will do what they do now: trade our attention span for mega dollar. And that will be that. Thousands of Iranians will die, and some US military personel - with everyone still swearing vacuously that they support them; and come 2008, the people will vote for the other Bush, because they like the idea of America kicking some nation's arse. I am always amazed what a source of pride the military superiority of this country means to its average citizens. I am not entirely sure how they benefit from it directly, but boy, it keeps them chuffed.

What needs to happen for this to stop? It seems to me that the US administration, and its people,mostlly do not believe there are serious (material) consequences given their military strength. Okay, maybe Deficit but, even that is notional to most people. With the geographic location of the US, wars are seemingly fought by remote control, which is why 9/11 inspires the: "they attacked us at home" refrain. Duh, where else do enemies usually attack (you)? Answer: in somebody's backyard, of course. Read Nairobi, Dar es Sallam, Riyadh, Mogadishu, Beirut, etc. Every country should be so lucky.

What the fuck needs to happen to stop this, GWB & Friends' Mission Destruction? Millions of dead Arabs and a few dead US troops won't stop it.

Or may be, Operation Iranian Freedom won't quite pan out that way. Maybe Iran does have nuclear weapons and is already positioning to use them, if provoked - i seem to think they have said as much. Maybe the mullahs, like all people who have faith are fatalistic, this is it: Allah willing. BOOM: shit against somefuckinbody. Maybe, the entire region - or the islamic countries anyway and Pakistan - band together sensing their governing days are numbered too, at this rate, joining in the war games. Then what? A lot more dead Muslims (Arabs, Persians). Is that it? Or at this rate, can we figure that there may just be a lot more dead people of Caucasian descent too? Either way though, if Prince Harry impregnates a Black girl just as Iran is invaded, there really won't be any stopping of this.

The people who can stop it don't care, and the people who care, cannot.


Friday, January 21, 2005

Al Zarqawi also marks inauguration

I have deliberately stayed well away from anything that might actually tell me what GW Dubya and his minions have to say, or indeed anyone with the regualr silly MSM thoughts about the inauguaration. Infact, yesterday (jan 19) we cancelled our cable subscription. No more television news. So, I have blissfully missed the inauguration.

I ask only this, when was the last time Al-Qaeda attacked when and where expected? But some Intelligence idiot figured that on Jan 20, 2005 circa-midmorning, give or take a few hours, Al-Qaeda might pay Dubya, at or near the WH, an inopportune visit. Who's fucking who, here?

Anyway, al Zarqawi seeminlgy also marked the occasion. From The BBC:
"At least 13 people have been killed in a car bomb attack on a Shia Muslim mosque in Baghdad, Iraqi police say... Worshippers who had been celebrating the festival of Eid were leaving the building when the bomb went off.

The blast came after militant leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi denounced Shias for fighting alongside American troops in Iraq. In an audio recording, Zarqawi also told his followers to expect to fight US-led forces for years.... The tape's release coincided with the Eid festival, and with the inauguration of US President George W Bush for a second term in office."
That's all.

The quest for ignorance knows no boundaries.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

OMG: Kerry, Fuckee with uhm! Cojones?

Now, I'll be the first to ACK the wimpiness of Kerry - see, election strategy and choices.

But, by god - apparently he voted against the Liar-in-Chief's confirmation: The truly fucked showing some balls, priceless. I can't actually believe it. I am bleary-eyed. Who's your flip-flopper now?

Here's a transcript of the message he sent out to supporters:
Earlier today, I voted in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee against the nomination of Dr. Condoleezza Rice for Secretary of State. This vote is an expression of my determination that we hold the Bush administration accountable.

Dr. Rice is a principal architect, implementer, and defender of a series of Administration policies that have not made our country as secure as we should be and have alienated much-needed allies in our common cause of winning the war against terrorism. Regrettably, I did not see in Dr. Rice's testimony before our committee any acknowledgment of the need to change course or of a new vision for America's role in the world.

On Iraq, on North Korea, on Iran, to name just a few of the most critical challenges, it seems to be more of the same. I hope I am proven wrong. I hope the course will change. And I hope that the Administration will recognize the strength of a foreign policy that has bipartisan support.

... But, we've got to remain firm in our insistence that those who create policies that don't work have the courage to admit their mistakes and the wisdom to change course.

(edited)... He definitely wants to run again.

Blog Rename

I've gone from:
1) Confessions - yuk, there too many fucking confessors.
2) Dogmata - don't know?
3) Basically, Fucked Off - wordy, but accurate - that's me.


"Tsunami, A wonderfull Opportunity" -- Dr. Fucking Rice

I 've said countless times, I am sick of hearing about the Tsunami and particularly its survivors, make that its Western survivors, and the media whoredom of it all. Dr Fucking Rice (Liar-in-Chief) reminds me yet again why I am sick of it, "making this tsunami about America."

It all reminds me of this friend? of mine (Y): she can't fucking listen/witness other people's life experiences without seizing the opportunity to reflect on how those same experiences affect HER. It's a bloody disease (someone check the DSM). This one time, a mutual friend (X) lost a member of his family, I swear to god, she (Y) went around telling people how this depressed her; oh all these things that seem to happen to her! Get the fuck outta here, darling. It's not about you.

It turns out, the whole fucking country ails likewise. First it was, "oh, could this happen in the fucking United States?" Shut up. Don't fucking care. It's happening elsewhere, NOW.

The other thing is, in Dr Condi's own words (during her testimony) : The tsunami in South Asia was a "wonderful opportunity" to show off the heart of the American people (LAT). Get the fuck outta here. Wonderfuckingful opportunity to bloody show off?

It's been like this for the last 3-4 weeks: "we are a generous people;" "we give more money than any other country in the world"; Shut the fuck up already. This is not about you.

Sen. Barbara Boxer took exception to Condi's "phraseology." My god, Boxer was on fire. Her performance, heroic. I hope she keeps her gloves on for much, longer. The lack of cojones among Democrats is positively sickening. I guess, when you are the fuckee, you have no use for cojones.

Speaking of sickening, I get an involutary urge to vomit across a wide area everytime I hear Bush say something about this inauguration, as a "testament" to freedom", "and democracy everywhere" and people living swimmingly on MARS?


Incidentally, the WaPo covers this same confirmation hearing, and makes it sound like the Liar-in-Chief, came out unscathed. She had her panties handed to her, by Boxer, read the transcipt. Her screeching, don't "impugn my integrity and credibility," is classic. What fucking integrity and credibility? Why the fuck Democrats even bother voting to confirm these fuckers, I'll never know.

Do you have the balls to have balls when you are getting fucked? That is the question.

Fuckees with Cojones, Priceless.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

from AlterNet: Exporting Cures, Importing Misery

There is other news.

interesting article on how India's pharamceutical industry is affecting local populations. Other news, is all i am saying

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

WMDs: Bush Lovers, hope you are having more fun now

Undecideds, Bush lovers everywhere... wherever these fuckers roam, I hope they are lovin it, more now than ever: US ends WMD search, a.k.a, we LIED so HARD, it PAYS. The lying, the mayhem , the dead soldiers, all of it. You deserve no less, for the stupidity and ignorance.

Which reminds me of the girl I met in one of the dorms on election night, who voted for Bush because, "I just like saying, I voted for Bush." In-fucking-credible.

Re: Last night's Machivelli post. Jonathan Jones in the article, although he talks about Blair and his involvement in the Iraq war, it is curious, he stays well clear of assessing Bush 's own role and mendacity.

PS. I just discovered that a close friend of mine has finally seen the light: Bush is a whore! Actually no - whores are honest about what they are/do actually. Have you seen how they dress? It's honest. Okay, Bush is a lying ningkumpoop. I know he voted for Kerry eventually (at least that's what he told me then), after professing being" undecided" for a long time.

Chelsea and Manure drew 0-0
. What crap. And Mourinho, reacting, does not dissapoint! He is alleging that the Purple-Faced-One had some words with the referee at half-time, which dramatically altered the judgement of the latter in favour of the former's team. He didn't quite blackmail/threaten/bribe him, but it's as close as you can get to whichever one is the case.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Interesting reads: Machiavelli, Falluja Aftermath, from the Guardian.

My notebook, is temporarily kaput. I am waiting for the vendor to send me a new AC adapter. This is forcing me use my office computer..... the monitor is a dinausaur montrosity of unforgiving proportions. If I don't go blind in the next few days, I may have to start believing. The KB is a blatant inducer of CTS. Mercy. I have to flick my wrist-joints back "into place" every hour or so. It's mildly horrfying.

A Jonathan Jones, pays tribute to Machiavelli - he's always fascinated me which is actually ironic, but he does- observing the spat between Blair and Brown through the Machiavellian lens. Jones book "In Machiavelli's Florence" will be out later this year.

The New Rebuplic Online (TNR), has an article on the long since declining power of Labor Unions in the US. One of the things that have fascinated me about the US, is that "Labor Union" together with "Liberal" are swear words. I could never understand this. This article addresses discusses this decline and denigration of labor power. Interesting, and well referenced read.

Finally, Falluja -the Aftermath. If you've ever wondered what the fuck happened to the people in Falluja post US elections (circa Nov 7 and soon after) , then read this: City of Ghosts (The Guardian). Now, this is news or, should be news. The guy writes about how the ground work for a civil war has been laid effectively by deploying a predominantly Shia National Guard in Falluja, to "help "fight the insurgents."

There was something else: the Nelson Report apparently reports that Bush has been literally instructing his pips (military commanders to you and me) not to tell him the bad news about Ai-Raq, just the good news, scotty; just the good news (source- James Wolcott blog) . Wolcott writes so well, just that is worth the read.

In a related story, Jose Mourinho (that sexy, sexy beast), faces the purple-faced one ( Sir Fergie) in the Carling Cup tomorrow. Should be fun, given Mourinho penchant for waiving his middle-finger at the Scot, and the Old Trafford Faithful. BTW - the Gunners are crap this season. Real utter shit. Still. The good news, Inter Milan are spectacularly back in it. (PS. Hate Berlusconi maiale's AC Milan).

Other News, does not mean "celebrities divorcing"

When I said, " enough already", I had no idea that the obsession with some celebrity divorce would supplant the attention paid the Tsunami. At the gym tonight, courtesy of the fellows at Broadcast Vision - bless them, we were tortured with the NBC broadacst of ET (Entertainment Tonight) blaring through what is usually reserved for the local Channel One radio station. The girl attending the area decided, she couldn't possibly miss out on an episode ( if that's what these things are) dedicated entirely some stupid, celebrity divorce. Is the idea of divorce, especially among celebrities, even surprizing today? This NBC idiot (source - wonkette) also predictably thinks it newsworthy. Really.

I can never understand why people watch ET, I find it positively depressing. Why the fuck would you want to watch such an inane celebrity sensory overload? Sure, they usually look great - but they usually have the darnest things to say.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Enough, already. I am sick of the Tsunami ...There are other problems

As callous as this may sound, I have had enough. I am sick of hearing about the Tsunami devastation and its victims. I have long been sick and tired of hearing survisor stories. I am sick of the opportunism of the journalists and politicians, using this to advance their careers. I am sick of hearing pundits talk about how "generous" the peoples of their country are. Sick, sick, sick of it, all of it.

Besides, I keep thinking, if this had happened in Africa, this outpour of emotions wouldn't even be half what we are seeing. Already, Somali which suffered about 200 deaths is practically forgotten in this unbelievable outpour of emotions. I am still pissed about the lacklustre, more like non-existent, response to the Rwandan genocide.

There is something immoral about picking a single disaster and reacting to it in an overwhelming, boundless manner, a reaction that, to me, suggestively denies all the other atrocities (natural or man-made) that peoples across the globe suffer everyday. It was the same shit with 9/11 - we never fucking heard the last of it, look what that did? If you want to suspend any rational thought, appeal to facts, evidence and science, just say "9/11." As bad as the devastation has been in these countries, I have had enough. Everyone must just shut the fuck up, and get on with it. Rebuild, do the fuck ever: just shut- the-fuck-up, already. There are other problems in the world, really.

What the fuck? How many people does AIDS kill everyday, everymonth, every year? Where is the outrage about that? Where's the money, the donations, the outpour of emotions and compassion? How many people are killed by poverty related diseases, and hunger? Answer me that.

Friday, January 07, 2005

William Amstrong (pundit), shilling for Bush-ite shit

Now this, courtesy of USA TODAY doesn't actually bother me, i.e. in the same sense that a known thief, reappropriating yet another item that doesn't belong to him, doesn't bother me. C'est la vie - what do you expect?, right.

Bush & Co selling fake news doesn't bother me, they have been pimping this shit for the last four years, they just never had to actually pay greenbacks for it. They paid in-kind... what was it? yes, access.

This nigga brother here -yes I can call him that , but don't you dare if you are sans abundant pigmentation - took this journalistic opportunism to it's "natural conclusion," he got got paid actual benjamins to pimp Bush's crap. If it weren't so fucking unethical, it would be geniale. I mean, you might as well pimp this out of greed, than fear. Let's not forget that the NYT and all of them pimped the Iraq War as gospel, and the cowards never got paid shit for it. So, this story doesn't actually surprise me or indeed bother me, substantively. Can you say VNRs and Karen Ryan?

But it bothers me, because for yet another god-forsaken time, a brother is caught doing something treacherously unethical, and you know we will never hear the last of it. Forget, "I am Karen ryan reporting", or all those media fuckers who have shilled for this administration through sheer incompetence, or fear of losing access, for there is a brother taking money to shill this shit.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Matt Taibbi: Pravda, Izvestia, Time

It almost bothered me that Time Magazine chose GW for Person of the Year, but then truth be told, I no longer think of time as a presitigious rag. This stopped some time ago. So ultimately I didn't care. It was the case of the trite honoring the foolish. Whatever.

But Matt Taibbi reflection on the matter is both amusing and well written. And it slags Andrew Sullivan, a cock-sucking pain the ass.

More proof that Foreign (read white) lives more important

This story from the observer draws attention to the macabre obsession with helping foreigners first. Sickening.

Continuing the God theme, sensible man the Archbishop of Cantebury

He says, this tsunami should shake the belief in God. In fact it would be wrong if it didn't.

From this report, it is interesting that he doesn't even try to explain or justify what happened, i.e. from the god wolrdview. He only says faith will survive this too.

Maria Teresa used to say she had doubts about God and his goodness. Try telling that to some holier than thou cow.

Only the foolish don't doubt.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

"God Blessed Us", so says tsunami survivor -- fuck him.

Let's carry on the theme of god's role in these atrocities and the general theme of preying on the weak. Believers must stop praising God for their survival, for we must in turn blame him (yes, him - nobody who has experienced childbirth would be so cruel to her brood) for this comprehensive slaughter of his children.

Unless, of course, some people are more god's children than others. Is it a co-incidence that this grateful son of god is a white South African male, named Andrew Brown, or design?

Stop it. I am sick of it already.