Basically, Fucked-Off . UpTheArsenal: Elections, Bumper Stickers, Operation "PeopleX Freedom," and Prince Harry

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Elections, Bumper Stickers, Operation "PeopleX Freedom," and Prince Harry

I have just read the Seymour Hersh piece .
It's tempting to just say, of course.

This is the gist of it all:

George W. Bush’s re-election was not his only victory last fall. The President and his national-security advisers have consolidated control over the military and intelligence communities’ strategic analyses and covert operations to a degree unmatched since the rise of the post-Second World War national-security state. Bush has an aggressive and ambitious agenda for using that control—against the mullahs in Iran and against targets in the ongoing war on terrorism—during his second term. The C.I.A. will continue to be downgraded, and the agency will increasingly serve, as one government consultant with close ties to the Pentagon put it, as “facilitators” of policy emanating from President Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney. This process is well under way.

Despite the deteriorating security situation in Iraq, the Bush Administration has not reconsidered its basic long-range policy goal in the Middle East: the establishment of democracy throughout the region. Bush’s re-election is regarded within the Administration as evidence of America’s support for his decision to go to war.
That notion of that last sentence has been bothering me since the run-up to the elections. I'll first say, what the fuck were Bush voters hoping for? Rebuilding the UN?

I had been saying for some time to anybody who supported Bush that they were missing a huge point by seeking to return him to office. Iraq has been GWB's signature move; it's essentially the only thing he has done, except for the massive tax cuts. Afghanistan doesn't count, any presiding CiC would have done the same thing, even Clinton: somebody had to pay, they paid. Amen.

When the Kerry-Edwards ticket were piss-willing around the Iraq issue, especially that Wednesday, the Zell from Hell Wednesday, I listened to the Kerry-Edwards "kids" pitching "the issues" the ticket thought were important, I realized they too were missing the point. I kept wanting to say, why the hell aren't you attacking this fucker (Bush). Why the piss-willy stuff? Student loans/grants, whatever, I could care less right now. This guy lied to go to war. And continues to lie.

They should have been singing one song and one song alone: Vote GWB out, because he deceived his people, both congressional houses, and allies to take the country to war. There is not one decision that is more important than sending the country to war; in fact all of the decisions he will ever have to take, together, will never be as important. And yet, GWB lied systematically in order to send his country to war. Forget the bullshit about, Iraq was the right decision, but badly executed. This is why Democrats lost both integrity and the election: they did not have the cojones to say, kak, Iraq was wrong: this is not the country we want to be. But Kerry and crew were saying, at least publically, going to Iraq was okay, the world is better off without Saddam yadi yadi yada, but the post war was badly planned, ill-managed.... In other words, Bush & Co are fighting the right war, but fighting it badly. Wrong. Kerry is still calling for Bush to fire Rumsfeld, in that same spirit. Pointless.

I hope they didn't really believe the war was right. They couldn't have, surely. Iraq was spontaneously combusting, the Kerry-Edwards Ticket didn't see it necessary to have to pour salt on the wound of it. Wrong. The entire election was about Iraq war, the rightness or wrongness of that war, and that alone. Yet, you would have never have known this that Wednesday, or indeed most times during the election campaign, (even on the Bush side). When one student, asked the Kerry-Edwards "kids"

"you have said a lot of things here this afternoon, what is the one thing you want me to take away from this, just ONE THING?"

Classic college student question: break it down, motherfucker! a.k.a "do I have to know all of this?" Kate Edwards took it, and said something about there being so many issues (again, was she not listening)... Andre Heinz, chimed in and started to enumerate them (the many issues, or at least some of them). I got up and left, I couldn't take it anymore. Considering, I think Andre Heinz is very very hot, this was no mean feat. The incompetence was insulting. This was after the blonde Kerry daughter failed to address the flip-flop charge. Urrghhhh.

Obviously, Answer: Vote for Kerry:
He would never lie to go to war. He might lie about botox though.

When GWB and Friends won, leftist pundits even started to suggest that perhaps, it's not such a bad thing, because GWB is being forced "to clean up his own mess." There were voters who were saying that's why they voted for GWB. And my favourite, you don't change presidents during wartime. All this was foreign to me, but what the fuck do I know about wartime presidents and American voters? The only thing I knew was, if you vote for him you send him the message that you support what he has done:= Iraq +Tax Cuts. I mean, he has raped the environment too, but he doesn't see that as something he has done. Iraq and Tax cuts are the mission and pride of this administration. So when GWB & Friends speak of a mandate, support for their Iraqi war and their belligerent worldview, they are being furbi, but they are essentially correct. The wrong, are the people who returned him to office, which is why calling on Bush to fire Rumsfeld for incompetence is pointless.

I still have my John Kerry for President sticker on my car, a lot of people in my neighbourhood do. I am not sure why everyone else keeps theirs. It could be laziness. But I have thought about removing mine, and decided not to. I have been expecting GWB and Friends to fuck up, and the sticker is my way of continuously expressing that I don't support this fucker of yours. And, Seymour Hersch's piece suggests that another successful catastrophe is well on the way, sooner rather than later. And I believe him, it's so George Bush to think, I want his legacy to be, I defeated terrorism, meaning he bombed it to smithereens. I won't go into the history lessons, there's no need.

The question, I ask myself now is, okay fantastic, let's assume he goes and bombs someone else, Iran ("Target Iran" - as CNN will brand it, before they are scolded into calling it "Operation Iranian Freedom"). Iran better be preparing for that reality now. What then? What is going to stop this happening to yet another PeopleX? The Iraqi war, has been mostly a spectator sports, except to the Iraqis of course. No one else has been really affected by this materially. What is materially going to happen to anyone, other than the Iranians, to stop this? I mean, there's been more hoopla about Prince Harry being chronically stupid playing evil dressup, than about the actions of real-life evildoers currently doing evil with impunity (aka GWB & Friends). In a country where Janet Jackson's titis inspire more outrage than the commisioned killing or 100Ks of civillians, if Iran is next, the people will not stop these evildoers; the media - well the media will do what they do now: trade our attention span for mega dollar. And that will be that. Thousands of Iranians will die, and some US military personel - with everyone still swearing vacuously that they support them; and come 2008, the people will vote for the other Bush, because they like the idea of America kicking some nation's arse. I am always amazed what a source of pride the military superiority of this country means to its average citizens. I am not entirely sure how they benefit from it directly, but boy, it keeps them chuffed.

What needs to happen for this to stop? It seems to me that the US administration, and its people,mostlly do not believe there are serious (material) consequences given their military strength. Okay, maybe Deficit but, even that is notional to most people. With the geographic location of the US, wars are seemingly fought by remote control, which is why 9/11 inspires the: "they attacked us at home" refrain. Duh, where else do enemies usually attack (you)? Answer: in somebody's backyard, of course. Read Nairobi, Dar es Sallam, Riyadh, Mogadishu, Beirut, etc. Every country should be so lucky.

What the fuck needs to happen to stop this, GWB & Friends' Mission Destruction? Millions of dead Arabs and a few dead US troops won't stop it.

Or may be, Operation Iranian Freedom won't quite pan out that way. Maybe Iran does have nuclear weapons and is already positioning to use them, if provoked - i seem to think they have said as much. Maybe the mullahs, like all people who have faith are fatalistic, this is it: Allah willing. BOOM: shit against somefuckinbody. Maybe, the entire region - or the islamic countries anyway and Pakistan - band together sensing their governing days are numbered too, at this rate, joining in the war games. Then what? A lot more dead Muslims (Arabs, Persians). Is that it? Or at this rate, can we figure that there may just be a lot more dead people of Caucasian descent too? Either way though, if Prince Harry impregnates a Black girl just as Iran is invaded, there really won't be any stopping of this.

The people who can stop it don't care, and the people who care, cannot.
