Sen. Boxer has kept her gloves off
We revisit the Fuckees with Cojones Society," James Wolcott , whom we like, still has the stomach for cable news, wrote the following:
Why is Barbara Boxer out there all alone asking the tough questions about Condi Rice's snail trail of deceit and fearmongering? She has the audacity to act as if the Senate actually has some traditional advise-and-consent role to play and for her pains is caricatured as a shrieking harridan on Saturday Night Live and a witch on talk radio. Boxer was terrific today on CNN, refusing to back down and reiterating her questions and objections regarding Rice with emphatic clarity while Sen Lugar mumble-mumbled some pathetic excuse-making about how Rice didn't deliberately mislead the country re Iraq's WMDs, she just did the best she could under the circumstances. Look, Biden and the rest of you Democratic punk-asses--get behind Boxer or get lost. She shouldn't be up there on the parapet alone, not with this wrecking crew trying to gear us up for war on Iran.
Recall here, she was on fire during Dr. Condi Tsunami=Wonderful-Opportunity Rice's confirmation testimony, the other day. I am delighted to hear the gloves are still off. She is still kicking arse. A priceless member of the Fuckees with Cojones Society. She is the only regular member. Though, Kerry might shock me again.
Wolcott refers to a user-friendlier read about the Seymour Hersh piece, I referred to earlier. Question: Why does Gary Sick (Collumbia Uni. specialist -mentioned in article) think the Iran strategy is just an intimidation tactic? He is rightly skeptical elsewhere, but didn't we think GWB & Co were intimidating Sod-him Hussein? We did, and we thought it bloody cunning too, didn't we?
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