DNC Day 3 - The Other John
John Edwards speech is the only one I watched. Let me gettting out of my system, the guy is very gorgeous. The crowd loved him, the ovation he got, even before he started speaking was unbelievable. People just couldn't stop cheering.
His strategy was to present their "plan for America." Naturally when you do that, you risk losing your audience, and the pundit post-mortem likely to say, "boring, boring, boring." He wasn't boring, he was accessible without being condescending. He had to present a plan, or what seemed like one anyway, and he touched on several bread-and butter political issues: healthcare and medicare for everyone and especially the military and reservists (you had to know the Dubya stance to detect the so-called "digs" ), education, technology and research, tax credits, and jobs. He actually briefly got into how they plan to conduct handle these, which was the first time i was hearing it - except the education bit.
But I couldn't care less, John, just tell me you are not going do what Dubya is doing or, that you are going continue most Clintonian policies, then you had me at hello: smiling obsequiously absorbing the mass adulation, even before you started your address. Does John Edwards have to say anything, seriously?
But I couldn't care less, John, just tell me you are not going do what Dubya is doing or, that you are going continue most Clintonian policies, then you had me at hello: smiling obsequiously absorbing the mass adulation, even before you started your address. Does John Edwards have to say anything, seriously?
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