Basically, Fucked-Off . UpTheArsenal: DNC - Day 2 - Obama Rocks?

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

DNC - Day 2 - Obama Rocks?

The verdict is unanimous, Obama Rocks. More Clintonesque than Clinton! I am sure somebody has said that already. Here's the speech, watch it here.

What is interesting, is the right-wing pundits are bent on painting the guy as a Republican. It’s almost as if, they want to say, "look we know he was a headliner for the Democrats in the most important election of their lives, but really give one or two things, he is one of us.” Some Einstein even suggested Obama could appear at the RNC in a month, say exactly the same things and still rock the crowd. My response: Really, that’s nice. Is that the best you can come out with?

They can’t criticize the guy in their usual, dichotomous and combative style. It will backfire – that’s how good this guy is! So, they decide to wishfully co-opt him into the Republican Party.

“See, everyone, the reason he is so good is because he is a closet Republican. In fact , if we pretend hard enough that he is a Republican, we will wake up on Aug 30th and he WILL be a Republican. Honest."

Yeah, right; and if I pray and pretend hard enough, I am going wake up next week and Anderson Cooper will declare his undying love for me! What? no, he likes good-looking boys too?

It's enough to make you want to scream!

PS. As Obama was talking I kept thinking he sounds like some prominent speaker I have heard before. It hit me, he pronounces his words like Ali - or at least like Will Smith playing Ali - with a clearer enunciation, and he doesn't talk that fast.

He is an Author and Professor. Oh, and he went to Harvard.