Basically, Fucked-Off . UpTheArsenal: DNC Day 1: "Friends, Bostonians, Countrymen... I come to bury Dubya, not to praise him"

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

DNC Day 1: "Friends, Bostonians, Countrymen... I come to bury Dubya, not to praise him"

Hush, Bill hath speak.

Bill, You Scrumptuous Beaut!!!!

This is my brief impression on Tonight (Day 1) at Democratic National Convention:

Bill said a lot of things, first praising Kerry & Edwards, and then gradually started picking apart the Bush administration and it's track-record on foreign affairs (not just on Iraq, but remember Kyoto, The International Criminal Court, the nuclear non-proliferation treaty?) and on domestic policy. People have forgotten that shit, if at all they ever knew it. If you think Bush's performance has beeen awful re. foreign policy, well, his domestic policies have been worse. Is that even possible? Downright diabolical.

"Leave all the bloody children behind, see if they care; they can become President like me, I was C-student, left behind, hehehehehe"

"What environment, there's no scientific proof to back any of this environment stuff. Just evildoers making stuff up, putting fear in the American people. I make America safe."

"The Democrats are pussies on security, girlie-men, all of them. Have you seen how pretty that John Edwards looks? Girlie-man, supreme" - my favorite asinine assertion.

Tonight, Bill Clinton had this to say to the last one: "wisdom and strength are not conflicting values." Ouch, that hurts, you girlie-man, you!

Didn't catch all the speakers though. But both C-SPAN and the Dems are streaming the Convention live. interesting factoid: The Dem feed is better quality.

Saw Hillary Clinton too, she was fired up, less (insert preferred insult here) than usual, I thought. She slammed the Bushies for doing their darnest to prevent the 9/11 Commision from being formed in the first place, but she did so by praising the 9/11 victims' families for fighting hard to have the "non-partisan commision" constituted in the face of spirited opposition from the White House. Girl, we could learn some skills from you!

I missed Al Gore! A pity that, because last time out, the guy was like a possessed, Southern baptist priest, slamming the Administration, doing it like a previously pained and repressed man. He was like a man, who'd just come out, now carefree and relieved. Thouroughly entertaining. Have to read the transcript then? I doubt he was as fiery though tonight- apparently the Kerry Campaing is keeping to theme. Don't know what Jimmy Carter said either. Obviously one big strategy is to talk-up, John Kerry, because "nobody knows who the hell he is yet." Do people really need to know Kerry to make a decision here? Surely, if people understood Bush, if they knew or were reminded of all the shit he has cooked up since he took office, Kerry would be streets ahead in the polls. But our sleeping Watchdogs, a.k.a. The Fourth Estate -- god bless them, they are exhausted -- haven't done their job and it appears won't do it. So, my favorite president of all time remains credible.

So interestingly tonight, the other thing the speakers did do was just that, adumbrate the Bush policy foibles. Amen, long overdue. Clinton was most effective here:

In a Mark Antony-esque tempo alla "Friends, Romans, Countrymen" speech, he first gave you some fact about the Bush obscurantism, like: "Dubya hath robbed the sickly, and small children to give me, a now-wealthy swine, an excellent tax cut." He followed this up with, " but, if this seems right to you, then by all means, return the cretin to the White House, otherwise vote for John&John." He did this several times: "Dubya, like I, hath been a draft-dodger, was thing strong leadership? But, if you think this was right, then by all means vote for him, otherwise.... It worked for Mark Antony, and by god so Bill had the crowd on merry-fervored song.

Okay so he didn't exactly say that verbatim or the following, but I am sure he was wanted to, so I''ll say it: "Is this compasionate conservatism?" Yet (O'Reilly/ other clown) says Dubya is compassionate/strong." ----- I wonder if this was an intended, speech plan - on Bill's part - the Julius Ceasar connection, I mean. Mmmmmm Bill, sneaky. I'm probably just seeing/hearing things! Damn You, Will -eh, Shakespeare.

Finally, as a shameless Billanatic, I can't end without indulging in mindless gush: The guy is a SUPERSTAR. Seriously, he makes me want to be him, never mind pine for a leader like him. Screw that, I want to be him! And I am not even a guy. Oy, I don't know what that means.