Arianna Huffington (alternet) is one of
a few sane pundits left. Bill Maher and even Jon stewart have joined the village of happy clappers, where shit is as good and better than fact.
Incidentally this reminds me, Dubya has launched an assault on "intellectualism" which it seems to me is getting the "just one of those things" treatment. Every fucking Town Hall tete a tete, he's mastered recently has been like, "Fuck, educated people - y'all can fucking bite me, I am a C-student, and I am giving you an ass-fucking" He is turning the learned classes into an enemy (real or imagined) of the people. The Democrats, fucking wimps that they are, are letting it pass because, god forbid you take a stand that might actually have you attacked by the Republicans. In a country that worships rich people? This is interesting. Of course GW's lackeys elsewhere are also fighting the fight against intellectualism,
Ward Churchill is the perfect whipping boy for this exercise.
And, I am afraid, people are buying it. They are equating "intellectualism" to "liberalism," we know the latter is already swear-word. Those fucking educated liberals, hate them! I wonder, does this means, "Fuck, education" too? That everyone will soon want to be rich, but without the hassle of getting a god-forsaken education. It's a fucking brilliant plan, except - it's the stuff of dreams, which ordinarily is okay for an individual, but as a national plan/outlook, it's a fucking visitation-in-the-making.
The big news in the US is, or should be,
economic. (great column from Stephen Roach, MorganStanley Economic Forum) But what? with MJ on trial, and random guy shooting random people in Atlanta you would never know.
The Bolton and Wolfowitz appointments/nominations are not even worthy of comment. What the fuck did people except? Bill Clinton to get the nod?