Tatoo Democratic Senators' balls with "LIBERAL"
The Republicans, I am sort of getting numbed to their evil ways. I mean take the Governator and his lies and false promises, straight out of the Republican/dubya textbook. That the governator is a lying operator no longer comes as a surprise.
What really gets my tities in a wringer is Senate Democrats who seemingly are shit-scared of standing for what they stand for. I am not cynical enough to think Kerry and other Senate democrats don't believe in anything, but they are fucking petrified of saying precisely what they stand for. The whole, sans cojones theme again.
What really gets my tities in a wringer is Senate Democrats who seemingly are shit-scared of standing for what they stand for. I am not cynical enough to think Kerry and other Senate democrats don't believe in anything, but they are fucking petrified of saying precisely what they stand for. The whole, sans cojones theme again.
In another example of eunuch-ified Democratic leadership, Tim Curry wonders why the Abu Ghraib torture scandal han't had much political traction. Chertoff, Chavez, Rumsfeld and now Negroponte are all fucking reprobates, from a moral code point of view. These folk either sanctioned torture or knew of it and turned a blind eye. Wonderful.
Now , enter Democratic Senators. Why the fuck would you vote to confirm these bastards? Why, Why? Why the fuck does Lieberman support Condi Rice? Why did Kerry not make an issue of Abu Ghraib. Actually let's start with, why won't these fuckers even say, "yes, I am fucking liberal, who by the way lives in a liberal democracy - the last time I checked. GWB can "advance liberal democracy is Iraq, and yet disdainfully refer to Kerry as the "Liberal Senator from Massachusettes." And Kerry instead of shooting back, tries to deny his liberal credentials.
Totally fucked-up. Why becuase the GOP owns the language? If black people can call themselves niggas, then fucking liberals can call themselves such. Liber-arse, anyone?They won't stand for what they stand for because, "it's not a election winning strategy." And they wonder why they don't win. Not standing for shit is not a winning strategy either. They won't castigate Bush, Condi and all thse fuckers, because - they might appear unhinged. For fuck's sake, with everything that has gone on under this Administration, they should be unhinged, unsetteld even deranged, if they have even the remotest sense of what is right,just and ethical for the people they represent.
Here's what I want to sort this out at the basest level. I want a tatoo artist, not a particularly good one either. I want him taken to Capitol Building. I want all the Democratic Senators --and Congressmen, might as well add those fucks too-- to drop their pants and show me their balls. (not sure what to do with the women; Boxer has balls though). Upon us finding such things, if indeed they exist, I want them tatoo-ed in CAPS: LIBERAL. I also want their asses tatoo-ed likewise. This way, whenever they bonk (either way), somebody is reminded of who they are. It might catch on. They themselves might start to say who they are and stand for what the stand for.
Because at this rate basically, the Democrats fuck me off even more than Republicans.
Because at this rate basically, the Democrats fuck me off even more than Republicans.
On unrelated note, I've said it before, they should be calling Republicans names, "moral ineptitude" comes to mind. deceitful, mendacious, con-artist, masters of the bait-and-switch, moral reprobates, ethical-degenerates. You can't vote to confirm people you've at worst publically tarnished in this way, it makes you look creepy. You see what I am getting at - you leave yourself no option but to be true to what you say.
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