Basically, Fucked-Off . UpTheArsenal: Sadly, Yes. This is State I live in.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Sadly, Yes. This is State I live in.

You know you live in red-state moronic bliss, when you face the prospect of being fined $50 for an otherwise fashion statement. Unfuckingbelievable.
These people can't be serious. Aren't there real fucking problems in Virginia? I know, widespread unbridled bigotry - criminalize that motherfuckers.

Seriously, are legislators in the business of telling people what to wear? What about the First Amendment? I write what i like, I wear what I like, especially when it offends bigots.

I actually particularly like showing my underwear; have you seen the state (and cost) of underwear these days? You'd be mad not to show it. CK, UA, anayone?

I have to see this to believe it. I do own several jeans that could have me flouting the law ----hehehe, criminal in the making--- so maybe I will see. I wonder if they'd fine you for jogging in a tank top? This has the settings of all kinds of unsolicited police harassment.