"just the gaming of the system for the concentration of power." HW Press Sec.
"...There are no journalists, just the gaming of the system for the concentration of power" - WH Press Secretary, Scott McClellan, reacting to the Gannon affair.Rightoh then.
I couldn't be fagged following the story, actually I haven't had the time. But this is a nice summary of the Gannon controversy from the Guradian, from whence the qoute comes..
Full Gurdian Excerpt, by McClellan:
"Spin" seems quaint. "In this day and age," said press secretary McClellan, waxing philosophical about the Gannon affair, "when you have a changing media, it's not an easy issue to decide or try to pick and choose who is a journalist." It is not that the White House press secretary cannot distinguish who is or is not a journalist; it is that there are no journalists, just the gaming of the system for the concentration of power.Actually, this is not new from this administration, Jay Rosen on his pressthink blog has an incredible analysis of this crew's epistemological view of the media (here). and this statement from McClellan is spot-on consistent with it .
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