Missing Explosives-Round 15
Josh Micah Talking Points Memo, here Archives makes an interesting, somewhat flabergasting but totally believable assertion about why war was under-manned, and hence explosives not secured:
The last paragraph is what I find interesting. it's rare that writers come to conclusions one finds truly unexpected, without making total buffons of themselves.
Part of the explanation comes from Secretary Rumsfeld's and his staff's view of military transformation, one that puts a heavy emphasis on high-tech weaponry and airpower over ground forces.
That's not the biggest reason, though.
The biggest reason is that President Bush and his chief advisors knew that it would be much harder to get the country into Iraq if the electorate knew the full scope of the investment -- in dollars, deployments and casualties -- upfront. In other words, undermanning the operation was always part of the essential dishonesty and recklessness with which the president led the nation to war.
The last paragraph is what I find interesting. it's rare that writers come to conclusions one finds truly unexpected, without making total buffons of themselves.
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