Iraq narrative gets better everyday
Now this from NYT. Actually TalkingPointsMemo has been on this story with a far better analytical stance. I won't rehash what Josh Marshall says. But this gig is just out of planet earth: Deadly weapons unsecured; deadly weapons disappear (all 350 tons of primarily RDX and HMX - love the link to rogue science, nice touch); deadly weapons later used as explosives to kill Iraqis and US/coalition troops, and everybody else that wonders into that bloody theatre. Deadly weapons known to be missing for a year, Administration concealing knowledge of missing deadly weapons, NYT says Administration says, "it wasn't my fault deadly weapons are missing." The terorists stole them; but of course. Deadly weapons still missing. But administration adds, we are winning the war on terror; no, it's up in the air whether we'll ever be safe from terror.
Brilliant: resolutely incompetent. Now show me a terrorist who believes there's something to fear from this lot, best military might and all.
Brilliant: resolutely incompetent. Now show me a terrorist who believes there's something to fear from this lot, best military might and all.
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