Basically, Fucked-Off . UpTheArsenal: Clinton woos voters for Kerry

Monday, October 25, 2004

Clinton woos voters for Kerry

I saw him, he looked fantastic. BBC

And, Imus, was being outrageously hateful about Bill Clinton this morning. His tirades are funny though, even when he is being hateful to people I like.

The vibe Bill has, is infectious. The crowd was cooking and massive. Kerry too. I thought Kerry looked more relaxed, not that I see Kerry much, being confined to a non-battleground, or better still, a battleground-to-be state (in 10 years). S'truce.

I thought, it was interesting that the crowds started chanting: Kerry! Kerry! Kerry! They cheered Clinton of course, but they didn't chant his name like that. It's interesting because, they would have us believe Kerry cannot inspire.