Basically, Fucked-Off . UpTheArsenal: December 2005

Friday, December 30, 2005

Sayonara 2005

It's year end. I mst say after Nov 2, 2004, I thought I'd stop blogging forever. But I need the space for my head.

I am glad 2005 is over though. It's been a crappy year, sure I graduated etc. etc. but I am still as poor as churchmouse and then some.

Hopefully 2006 is much friendlier year, as I begin my career. I wish me luck, my lovely.

If you wonder on here, Good luck to you too.

Selling 'BioWillie'

BioWillie? LOL- well the double entendre is.

So Willie Nelson is into biodiesel, which actually has gained a lot more traction in Europe. European carmakers are producing some classy cars that run on (bio)diesel. So surprise, surprise Willie drives a Merc, his wife a VW. [AOL]

What I didn't know was the Nitrogen factor as biproduct. seemingly natural gas options are better environmentally speaking. But biodiesel or cannabis fuel could be a way for developing nations to grow their economies; they not allowed to compete fairly in regular agricultural trade anyway.

I have always believed the Third World should grow cannabis as far as the eye can see, and sell the shit.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Champion's League Final 2005 Liverpool 3 - 3 AC Milan

Liverpool win it on penalties, 3-2. Unfuckingbelievable.

I read this match report on May 25, 2005. It's just as incredible today. [Guardian]

No wonder Barry Glendenning has a stalker, the banter's fucking good.

Monday, December 26, 2005

How Stands the Empire? - by Pat Buchanan

I know I am going to have to eat any praise I have bestowed on Buchanan, I know I will .... he's not immune to sycophantic RW douchebagggery (aka crazy talk) but, over the "Operation Iraqi Freedom" years he has been of surprisingly independent thought.

He still mostly grates on th McLaughin Group... but still.

He's at it again (here), with irrevence at the ready as he reflects on the appeal of Georgy's Empire.

My only gripe is that he doesn't mention that the March to Freedom in Iraq brings mullahs, sharia law, bosom Iran etc. etc. at the ready. Who knew democracy keeps company with cruel, cruel tyranny | Dramatic irony|? No, really.. I'm not talking about the intonationless sarcasm used by most liberal bloggers or blog(ger)-commenters.

Real dramatic irony... of which all forms of irony are derivative...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Why WiMax - Computerworld

WiMax, the future alternative to broadband wireless services (BWA)
ComputerWorld does a nice job on it here.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Hooman Majd: Jihad vs. McSex

From the Huffpost, Hooman Majd argues it's the Mcsex culture not consumerism that so riles the Muslim cultures...

Actually I haven't read the whole thing, this is just like bookmarking it. Posts at the HP dissappear into the Internet ether before you can say, rats.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Monbiot:They bleat about the free market, then hold out their begging bowls

MonsieurMonbiot is easily one of the most important writers of our time. This is his latest entry as Guardian columinst.

This is a theme you find also in his manifesto for the end to the age of coercion and the beginning a new age of consent, a book appropriately titled "The Age of Consent" (Highly recommended for its lurid, but easy to read style; I am envious at his ability to explain complex issues in such a simple and accessible way)

Friday, December 09, 2005

Bush Threatens U.N. Over Clinton Climate Speech

What the fuck is this?

There are absolutely zero limits to the pettiness of this administration? If Clinton speaks, then there is absolutely no chance of them signing the Kyoto globa-warming protocol? Huh? The last I checked Bill was an American...

Not that they had any intention of signing on of course...but that's another story, why use Bubba as the scapegoat.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Study finds coffee reduces liver risk

in people wo are susceptible to alcohol related liver disease.

Study finds coffee reduces liver risk - Yahoo! News

GAO confirms - 2004 Election Was Stolen

via The Huffington Post

Lyn Lear takes on the stolen election.

As any technologist, who has seen these Diebold machines, I will say it again, odds are they stole the 2004 election. But like the Plame case, and even 9/11, they clean up the evidence real good. Hard drives removed from some these machines, without any explanation, on voting day? Remember how Ground Zero wreckage was hauled away for recycling, or some such? The evidence was never preserved for study, or studied then destroyed. It was simply destroyed very, very quickly.

The American public has got to find a way to awaken from their slumber, it is the only way to hold a representative democracy accountable (to the people).

But then again, the Jolie-Pitts may be up to something a lot more interesting than all this democracy preservation stuff.