Basically, Fucked-Off . UpTheArsenal: When the rest of the world said, preemption is a threat to world peace....

Sunday, August 22, 2004

When the rest of the world said, preemption is a threat to world peace....

They meant this: you can't have a monopoly on preemption. Now apparently, Iran is warning of preemptive strike to prevent attack on nuclear its sites. This story was first reported by AFP Aug22 . This is an interesting development, we'll see if it makes the corporate media wires.

Every Tom, Dick, Haseem can employ a premptive war doctrine and there's shit-all you can do about it if you started it: Fighting a noun (terror) preemptively was always going to escalate into something delightfully chaotic. First up, we can all invent our favorite enemies in the name of terror, and then strike our said invented enemies before they get ideas. Splendidly aggressive if you have a monopoly on terror. In other words, as long as you are the only one defining what constitutes "terror." Otherwise - good day, world chaos.

So, there's a reason why preemption was never anyone's favorite professed strategy. The advent of attacks on sovereign land was not invented on Sept 11, 2001. If Iran struck Israeli/USA forces as a preemptive measure or vice versa, what the fuck are we supposed to say in protest? Nothing, they are fighting terror, that's what. And if anyone decided this whole ensuing setup was a terror threat of their own, -imagine Blair clones on both sides- we would have the most beautiful chaos contrived by modern men and one woman. Thank you, Dubya, and Friends.


In a related story, Forbes magazine has decided that Condi Rice is the most poweful woman in the world. I want full disclosure of the methodology for this study. This is nuts! Laura Bush checks in at No.4. Carleton Fiorina of HP cloks in at No.10! Hilary at No.5 and Sonia Ghandi, who gave up the Prime Ministry at No.3! Thatcher who is almost dead and widely reviled by her own pips is also rated (No. 21): Get the fuck outta here. Katie Couric (#57) ranks higher than Oprah Winfrey (#62)? I want to bitch-slap someone. Couric that airhead ahead of Oprah? Cherie Blair, checks in at 12 too. Cherie Blair? Who the hell compiled this? and are they on crack? Arrest them please.

Apparently the "researchers" created a "power scorecard' for each candidate.

" We came up with a numerical weight defined by her title and résumé; the size of the economic sphere in which she wields power (a foundation is measured by its endowment, a country by its GDP); and the number of global media mentions. We threw in some subjective adjustments..."

I want the same scorecard used for men, and throw in those same subjective judgements (what the fuck are those?). And please tell me who are the most powerful men in the world. Tell me if Scott Peterson makes that list. Actually, I would like these crackheads to first of all tell me what they mean by power.
What a load of quack.