Basically, Fucked-Off . UpTheArsenal: October 2005

Friday, October 28, 2005

Ladies and Gentlemen: The Real George W. Bush

Stephen Pizzo on alternet takes on little Dubya - the best chrecterization of the man ever. Period.

"All went very well for the first four years. From day one, their boy delivered, delivered and delivered again. He was a gift that just kept giving:

* $1.6 trillion in tax cuts, the bulk of which went to people like them;

* Environmental laws watered down; expanded logging allowed in national forests

* A push to open protected Alaska wilderness to oil and gas drilling;

* Iraqi oil fields suddenly within reach;

* Plenty of cheap labor flooding across our southern border.

And just as it looked as if he was on the way to fulfilling another assignment -- the elimination of the estate tax -- his beard fell off. It was the thing they had always feared most: the real George W. Bush went public. There it was, for the whole world to see: a chuckling, twitching dope of man standing in front of the American people, unleashed and unscripted. Worse yet, he was making his own decisions. He chose his friend and admirer, Harriet Miers, for the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

What went wrong? Where were his handlers? Busy. They dropped Bush's leash when handed subpoenas. Junior was unleashed and home alone.

It's a moment new to America -- a leader who needs to be led, and now unled. And the world is watching. It's as if the police had come and dragged Edgar Bergin offstage in the middle of a show, leaving Charlie McCarthy, wide-eyed, mouth agape and slumped alone on his stool.

So, what now? "

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Gore on the Threat to American Democracy

"Al Gore gave a speech this morning on the decline of the media, our public discourse and the threat to American democracy itself. The transcript beneath the break" ...courtesy TPM

Another passionate speech from the preacher-like man from the South. Been saying this for while now: it's so true, it's depressing.
His eloquence is fucking briliant