Basically, Fucked-Off . UpTheArsenal: July 2005

Saturday, July 09, 2005

The Smash of Civilizations - by Chalmers Johnson and Tom Engelhardt

From Chalmers Johnson via Tom engelhardt, this:

"Another successful landmark has been reached in our occupation of Iraq: The World Monuments Fund has just placed the country on its list of the Earth's 100 most endangered sites. ("Widespread looting, military occupation, artillery fire, vandalism, and other acts of violence are devastating Iraq, long considered the cradle of human civilization.") This is the first time that the Fund has ever put a whole nation on its list and so represents a singular accomplishment for the Bush administration, which knew not – and cared less – what it wrought."

Now nobody remembers or talks about this here, what of Iraqis?

Friday, July 08, 2005

The price of occupation

And that is the cornerstone [Guardian] of this. They can dress it up however they like: "resolve", "resolve", "steadfast", "determined" "we will win," "they cannot cower us" etc. Whatever. You cannot win this unless you examine the causality. These (i.e.perpetrators) aren't people with no method or rationality behind their actions. The West can be in denial all they want about it: "we don't negotiate with terrorrists". Liars, BTW. This is the price ordinary citizens will continue pay until their governments stop the occupation of Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan.

Ordinary Londoners, who mostly opposed Blair's mindless support for the Iraqi war, are bearing the cruel brunt of that decision. And no, Blair is doing nothing to protect them, notwithstanding the meme. For as long as he supports a foreign policy of occupation, he isn't.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Where the fuck is UBL?

It needs too be said again,

WHETHER THE FUCK IS the man affectionately known as UBL (to Rumsfuck)? Where the fuck is he, if this war on terror is such a bleeding success?

Another terror attack. Target London

Calling CNN & Co. and advertisers,

ON YOUR MARKS, GET SET, READY, SALIVATE, GO: you have a story to superficially milk dry for another 8/25 (at least) and it's not the regular crapola.

This time target: London.

Happy spending.

The rest of you schmasses-asses: be afraid, be very afraid.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

22nd Amendment Under Fire

Can you say, Hail, King George.

According to the Daily News, the 22nd Amendment which limits presidential terms to two, is being challenged by some the Hill.

Where's the outrage?