Basically, Fucked-Off . UpTheArsenal: September 2004

Thursday, September 30, 2004

BBC: Russia cabinet backs Kyoto treaty

Irony of all ironies. Russia backs Kyoto Protocol. the world's largest polluter sits pretty polluting the living hell into planet earth, not a fluster. I want more hurricanes, and I want them now.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

TomDispatch - Xtreme weather meets Xtreme media bubble - and Dubya is Re-ejected from WH?

Tom engelhardt has written a story I wish I had the time to writeTomDispatch - Xtreme weather meets Xtreme media bubble.

Everyone I know takes pleasure in watching the gavel to gavel coverage of every hurricane by cable news networks. My one friend seriously findds this stuff entertaining, reporters getting bloown away by the wind/rain strapped onto rope, whatever. I can't think of anything more mindless. When we had hurricane Isabel, last year, this kind of coverage was not useful for many reasons, but one was as the people affected we had no power and therefore no television. So just from an information value added point of view, this was just useless. And so I always tink about the people affected and think, all this is really just a mockery or their misery. We are being entertained at their expense, while feigning national concern. So I refuse to watch hurricane coverage, and anyone who flocks to florida everytime there's a hurricane visitation, I secretly pray they drown or something. That's the level of my irritation.

But another more important point, which Tom raises is here is the silence on the connection between global warming/environmental degradation and this unprecedented number of hurricanes in a single season that have hit the Carribean and Florida --Oh nobody, remembers or cares about the impact on Carribean and Cuba: poor nations with little resources to mend from the damage.

There is a collective denial about the damage American consumerism is causing the world. Tom calls it global terrorism. Frankly, I have had it with the collective "we are the greatest country in the world" inspired ignorance. Last year, I read an article on the Sidney Morning Herald on research linking droughts in the Southern Hemisphere to high levels of polution in the Northern Hemisphere. That kinda of shit makes me angry.

But now, the chickens are coming home to roost. I have been watching this hurricane season thinking, "more please, more please." Because maybe, just maybe the Floridians at least will wake up to environmental degradation and how it is directly affecting their lives (that's the level of consciousness that is operational in ths country). And may be, just maybe they will realize just how atrocious the environmental policies of the Dubya White House have been. They would vote accordingly, and viola! a Dubya-free White House.

A girl can dream.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Did the first Americans come from Down Under?

According to this: Did the first Americans come from Down Under?

Native Americans cannot claim to have been the first people in America . Apparently new research suggests the original inhabitants of America may in fact have come from what we now known as Australia, in other words whiter than the natives we know? Whereas the people that hitherto we have thought of as native Americans came overland from Siberia. The former group apparently has been dated to 12 700 years ago, whereas the oldest accurately dated "native" American skull was only about 9 000 years old.

Okay, perhaps a real "anthropological hornet's nest," but, does anybody want to go there? What of the socio-political ramifications?

On the other hand, I think the article is suggesting the first group was wiped out by disease though. In which case, isn't this just semantics? So they were here, and they all perished, which is as good as not being, right? I reckon none of this should matter, notwithstanding the smug and fascinating! factor. Afterall the lot that came here with and post Columbus found these people here. End of story.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

On Wednesday, when Zell from Hell Miller was being hateful, the Kerry-Edwards kids were on campus.

I was not impressed. and that's not because they were late, that happens. They were ill-prepared, generally. If you dared ask them things that were off-script, they were stumped. These are people who have been to the finest universities in the land: Brown, Harvard, they said. They were stumped on several occasions. And like every other Kerry repesentative I have come across in the media, they are not good at defending him. When the hell are they going to learn how to effectively respond to the flip-flop charge; specifically the "I voted for the $87 billion, before I voted against it." There actually is a very good explanation for that apparent absurdity, which I first heard John Edwards explain adequately when he first joined the ticket. Nobody else seems to think the facts surrounding this are important or comprehensible. So instead, they get frustrated and say, "this is a flip-flop" so said the blonde Kerry daughter, conveniently taking her flip-flop shoe and waving it at us. That was neither funny, nor effective. She continued to add that they had known their father for a long time and that they know his votes were well-thought out and well-considered, yadi yada yada. And that's suppose to mean something; somehow Kerry's daughter's integrity/judgement demands that what she says translates to my buying into the integrity of Kerry's senate vote. That's just hogwash.

One of them should have taken the opportunity to explained what that is about: the split between the $67 billion for the troops, and the $20 billion for nation building, questions about how the latter was to be financed, amendmends to the original bill that Kerry voted for, veto-threats from the President if those amendmends stood. How the amended bill, which Kerry supported was withdrawn, the original supported by Dubya was then put up for vote and so Kerry voted against it, knowing full well the bill would pass.

Am I the only person who finds shoes disgusting? I am pretty sure, i wouldn't take my shoe off and wave it at someone.

I was glad the girls brought Andre Heinz. The original posters on campus had not indicated he would be there. That was a justifiable perving experience, given the lack of craved substance displayed by all concerned. I actually took two pictures of him, one very flattering of him and the other NOT (eye-closed, mouth extended forwarding as if about to kiss something very unplesant). I might even post them.

Can the Dems expel Zell from Hell, I wonder?

Bush: OB-GYNs Kept from 'Practicing Their Love'

It appears Capitol Hill Blue is onto this OB-GYNs and their love of women across the land: Capitol Hill Blue. I love this story.

On a related story, Kitty Kelley, that muck-racking chronicler of pretentious and smug dynasties everywhere, has written a book on the Bush dynasty alleging George W. Bush a.k.a Dubya did cocaine at Camp David, when his father had access to Camp David. And... he didn't do it just once. This is gets better, wait for it ..... and apparently Dubya is gay. WHAT? This, according to the UK's, ahem Mirror and the drudge report. Oyi, not very respectable, I know.. still.

Usually, I could care less what shenanigans politicians get up to in their private or previous lives, but holier-than-thou, fear merchants get what they deserve every single time. There is no such a thing as a low blow against organized hypocrisy.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Bush: Thousands of OBGYNs are unable to practice their love of women because of malpractice lawsuit

This according to the CNN ticker, right now. I swear.

It says something about hundreds/thousands of OBGYNs unable to practice their love of/with women across the country because of malpractice lawsuits. what?

I hope one of the late-nights catches the story.