Basically, Fucked-Off . UpTheArsenal: t r u t h o u t - Emmanuel Todd: The Specter of a Soviet-Style Crisis

Monday, January 30, 2006

t r u t h o u t - Emmanuel Todd: The Specter of a Soviet-Style Crisis

t r u t h o u t -From truthout: "According to Emmanuel Todd, a demographer, Hurricane Katrina has revealed the decline of the American system.

Research engineer at the National Institute of Demographic Studies, historian, author of Apres l'empire [After the Empire], published by Gallimard in 2002 - an essay in which he predicted the 'breakdown' of the American system - Emmanuel Todd reviews for Le Figaro the serious failures revealed by the storm."

This is an incrediby inciteful interview. The lucidity of Todd's thinking is without parallel.