Basically, Fucked-Off . UpTheArsenal: Shouldn't Nazi fraternization, of any sort, be misqualification

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Shouldn't Nazi fraternization, of any sort, be misqualification

for all kinds of human potentialities? How the fuck do you become the supreme God-representaive with Nazi credentials? I couldn't care less that his commitment was lukewarm. The guy didn't have thte cojones to make a moral stand when it bloody well counted the most in his life. How the fuck can he be the Custodian-In-Chief of Morality (Okay, it's just Catholic morality, but still)?

I swear to God, the only reason I will never set foot in a church, any church, is because god-representatives are so fucking stupid; they give God a bad name. I'd like to think my God is smart, at the very least, smarter than I. Like, I've said before I reckon God gets science, and scientific progress: he gets it; he gets social justice. I'd also like to think he's nimble enough to get "context." Adam & Eve had a whole different set of circumstances to navigate.