Basically, Fucked-Off . UpTheArsenal: How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

Monday, October 04, 2004

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

This as reported here
by the Guardian

Bush and Nazi financing? I am not holding my breadth for US corporate media to catch on this one.

Did I mention I have cashed my CNN chips. Their incompetence has just become offensive. I kept watching after they irevocably pissed me off during the DNC'04, with the excuse that it keeps in tune with what people were hearing. I am happy to announce that I no longer have to do that: as long as I assume the the most asinine things go on there, I am more or less spot on. Actually, I sent them a letter telling them I was switching off, permanently. I hope they will change if they get enough such letters. But seriously now I watch MSNBC, they are mostly less cretinous - not by much, but nevertheless bearable. Imus is fantactic though; his irrevence has me in stiches - and I am barely awake then.